Iqra Zubair
Nifty Intern
Iqra is in her first year studying BA Economics at Nottingham Trent University. She is a dedicated and motivated student who is always up for a challenge and hopes to become an entrepreneur with her new found knowledge. Iqra worked with Nifty on the Midlands Engine Young Person’s Green Growth Assembly and contributed greatly to the overall planning of the event, as well as volunteering to write and present the opening and closing speeches (see events highlights video). Iqra also created a powerful mural, pictured here, that was displayed at the entrance of the assembly depicting two very different futures depending on the path we take. She loves adding creativity to everything she does and uses her artistic skills to solve problems and make tasks engaging. Recently Iqra was highly commended at the "Young Creatives Award", for a video she made about Earth Day.