UnLtd - Resilient Communities Evaluation

We really enjoyed working with UnLtd to evaluate their three-year Resilient Communities project (2018 - 2021).
Resilient Communities is a complex, place-based initiative supporting local social entrepreneurs and other key stakeholders to transform the places they live. We really enjoyed tracking the various areas over the three years and seeing the impacts of the work. We spoke to many social entrepreneurs as well as anchor organisations, local trusted organisations, Big Local Partnerships and UnLtd Support Managers to really dig into what makes this approach work and why.
This evaluation was perfect for Nifty as we prioritise stakeholder engagement and are able to draw out key learning from across diverse settings, while keeping the context-specific details, which are so crucial for understanding nuances, very much in mind.
Outputs from this project included a Learning Paper, blog, vlog and workshop presentations.
Resilient Communities is a complex, place-based initiative supporting local social entrepreneurs and other key stakeholders to transform the places they live. We really enjoyed tracking the various areas over the three years and seeing the impacts of the work. We spoke to many social entrepreneurs as well as anchor organisations, local trusted organisations, Big Local Partnerships and UnLtd Support Managers to really dig into what makes this approach work and why.
This evaluation was perfect for Nifty as we prioritise stakeholder engagement and are able to draw out key learning from across diverse settings, while keeping the context-specific details, which are so crucial for understanding nuances, very much in mind.
Outputs from this project included a Learning Paper, blog, vlog and workshop presentations.